

I am a mountain enthusiast and a polar scientist living in Arctic Tromsø in northern Norway. I am an avid mountaineer, snowboarder and climber, and here I will share my recreational and professional experiences with the worlds cold, mountainous and glaciated regions.

Happy at the top of a climb in stunning Lofoten, Norway

Calvin Shackleton

I am a mountaineer and glacier scientist, spending as much time as I can in the mountains and in cold, icy regions of the earth. My research is focused on the movement and stability of glaciers and ice sheets, and the impacts of meltwater that flows on top, through, and beneath the ice. I completed my PhD at the University of Tromsø, Norway, and am currently working as a postdoctoral researcher in Antarctic Glaciology at the Norwegian Polar Institute. Much of my free time is spent in the spectacular mountains around Tromsø, Norway, climbing rock/ice, riding splitboard, or traversing glaciers. Check out my Mountain blog for mountain experiences, gear reviews and tech tips. I am also a certified Single Pitch Climbing Instructor with the American Mountain Guides Association.